TH795 Thesis

A major research paper, which builds  upon and extends in a focused area the  knowledge and critical ability gained in  the basic divinity degree and includes the Th.M. coursework. The topic and  plan are subject to the approval of the  Th.M. Committee. The...

TH790 Research Paper

A major research paper, which builds  upon and extends in a focused area the  knowledge and critical ability gained in  the basic divinity degree and includes  the Th.M. coursework. The topic and  plan are subject to the approval of the  Th.M. Committee. The...

TH735 Seminar in Theological Method

What makes one statement, opinion, or  argument better or wiser than another in  the fields of theology, biblical studies, ethics or practical theology? How does  one best understand how scripture,  tradition, reason, experience, context, and future function as...

TH720 State of The Field

Assists the Th.M. students in the preparation of a thesis proposal by  introducing the basics of academic  research and writing. By the end of the course the student 1) will be able to  construct a well-designed research proposal; 2) will be familiar with basic ...