Dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs
G.W. and Edna Haworth Professor of Educational Ministries and Leadership
In 2018, Dr. Kristen Deede Johnson was named one of the “10 New or Lesser-Known Female Theologians Worth Knowing” by Christianity Today.
Dr. Johnson provides wisdom and leadership to the academic affairs of the seminary and represents Western in significant and impactful ways through her writing and speaking.
Before joining the faculty of Western Theological Seminary, Dr. Johnson was the founding director of the Studies in Ministry Minor and the Center for Ministry Studies at Hope College, programs dedicated to upholding the significance of theological formation, spiritual growth, cultural engagement, and vocational discernment.
Dr. Johsnon grew up outside of Washington, DC, with a few of her early years spent in Germany and England. She met her husband, Tryg, at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland while in graduate school. Together they have two children, Trygve and Ella, and a dog named Ebey. They are grateful to be able to serve God through their different callings at home, work, and in the community and to worship God through Christ and the Spirit at Pillar Church in downtown Holland.
Dr. Johnson’s teaching and scholarship engage areas of theology, discipleship and formation, justice, culture, and political theory.
MN102: Practice of Discipleship
MN533: Justice, Discipleship & the Church
MN539: Living the Christian Life According to Pop Christian Culture