Dr. David Komline

Professor of Church History

Coordinator for Strategic International Initiatives
Director of the Masters of Theology (ThM) Program

BA Wheaton College
MDiv Princeton Theological Seminary
MA University of Notre Dame
PhD University of Notre Dame
“History is about stories. What stories do our histories tell? What stories should they tell? How well do these stories account for historical evidence? Are there better ways to tell them? I hope students will wrestle with these questions in their church history classes at Western Theological Seminary, preparing them for a life of proclaiming the larger story of God’s redeeming love for the world.”
Dr. David Komline

Dr. David Komline

About Dr. David Komline

Dr. David Komline has deep family roots in the RCA and is excited about teaching for a school that is evangelical, ecumenical, and Reformed. These three traditions have strongly shaped him, as one might infer from his educational background, which includes a BA from Wheaton College, an MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a PhD from the University of Notre Dame.  He is an ordained minister of Word and Sacrament in the Reformed Church in America.

Dr. Komline’s scholarship emphasizes international exchange, which he has been able to participate in firsthand through teaching and research.  After college he taught English for a year at Yantai University in China; since graduate school he has spent three different years researching in Germany, living in two of its historic university towns: Tübingen and Heidelberg.  Locally, he has also taught at Western’s neighbor, Hope College.  He also serves as book review editor for the journal Fides et Historia.

Speaking Engagements:

  • September 22 & 29: Central Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, MI – Teaching on Heidelberg Catechism

Areas of Expertise 

The history of Christianity in the United States; American evangelicalism; the history of reformed churches; the history of the RCA; RCA polity

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Courses taught by Dr. Komline

  • Church History I

  • Church History II

  • RCA Standards and Polity

  • Church and State in America

  • American Evangelicalism

  • Christianity in China

  • Master of Arts Capstone

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