Dec 3, 2018
“Jonah: Standing Before the Face of God”
Rev. Dr. Tom Boogaart, Dennis and Betty Voskuil Professor of Old Testament, will retire in December. In honor of his retirement, you are invited to attend a Hebrew Enactment by WTS students on Thursday, December 13, 2018.
6:30 PM Desserts – Atrium
7:00 PM – “Jonah: Standing Before the Face of God” – The Commons
The story of Jonah is about much more than a monstrous fish that swallows the prophet; it is about the face of a compassionate God before whom all people stand. However God’s compassion is not the tender and gentle force that we often assume it to be. Rather it is a powerful and disruptive force in the world, driving the good man Jonah to flee from God and drawing the evil people of Nineveh towards God. The compassionate face of God exposes the violence we carry in our hearts and all the ways by which our violence mars the world: Jonah by his violent theology and the people Nineveh by their violent warring. A compassionate God does not tolerate violence and acts to redeem all people.