“The Bible is not a book,” said Dr. Tom Boogaart. I remember how stunned I was when I heard him say that. “How can that be true?” I wondered. The Bible holds the Guinness World Record for the best-selling book of all time. Of course it’s a book. It’s printed, bound,...
Slides for the presentation are available at this link: https://qrco.de/bdB6cO This inaugural event for the Center for Disability and Ministry featured Drs Bethany McKinney Fox and L. S. Carlos Thompson. Dr. McKinney Fox and Dr. Thompson reengaged the biblical texts...
Introducing Kate Bareman Western Theological Seminary is pleased to announce Kate Bareman as the Associate Director of Student Life. Bareman will be serving as a member of the Student Life team. “We are so fortunate to have Kate joining our team,” said Student Life...