MN581 Ministry & Margins

Explores the boundary-crossing ministry  of Jesus, in particular how he redefined  the margin and the center with a Kingdom perspective. The class will  consider ways in which ministry to and  with those who are often marginalized in our society can amplify the...

BL618 Advanced Biblical Hebrew

Advanced interactive learning in the  language and theology of the Old Testament. Students develop a deeper  understanding of grammar, syntax, and interpretation through hearing, speaking,  and reading Hebrew, as well as memorizing and enacting biblical stories. This...

BL508 Revelation

This course studies the book of Revelation within its historical, political,  and literary contexts. Particular emphasis  is placed on the apocalyptic nature of the  work within the first century C.E.  Additionally, it studies the impact this  book has had on...

BL300 Old Testament Foundations

An introduction to the content, history,  and theological dynamism of the writings of the Old Testament, with a  view to appropriating the message of  the Old Testament for today.

TH795 Thesis

A major research paper, which builds  upon and extends in a focused area the  knowledge and critical ability gained in  the basic divinity degree and includes the Th.M. coursework. The topic and  plan are subject to the approval of the  Th.M. Committee. The...